Actually the headline should read, “The attorney who defends himself has a fool for a client”. Its an old saying and it happens to be true. When you are confined to just one perspective that exists only in your own head you lack the knowledge and objectivity of an unbiased perspective. You are also working within the limitations of your own knowledge about Trusts...which could be considerable...and very dangerous.
I am often confronted by people with questions relating to why they can’t do a Living Trust for themselves at a minimal cost. Saving money to create a trust is missing the point altogether. Would you do a surgical operation on yourself to save money?...the notion is absurd. Sure you can purchase software that will create the documents or buy the document forms that can be filled out, and feel your way through the process but why take the chance of being wrong on important issues when your very financial future and the financial well-being of your family is at stake. An, “Oops!” on something this important is tantamount to packing your own parachute and forgetting to attach the ripcord. Let the professionals do it. They get paid to know the details and do it right.
A Living Trust is a dynamic document. When your life situations change you need to change your trust. When your relationships with those close to you change or a new child or grandchild is born, you need to change your Trust. If a trust is not constructed properly to meet your personal life situation and specific wishes you run the risk of making errors that can effect you and your family in a potentially devastating way. The question is...would you trust the welfare of your family to what you know about trusts right now? You need expert help now and in the future to keep your plans and wishes on track.
Attorneys who do trusts count on the need to review your trust annually and manage the funding of your assets. Its a major income stream for ongoing cost for you. Heritage makes no charge for help and support or changes that need to be made to your trust, for the life of your Trust.
Bottom line...bite the bullet...have your trust professionally prepared and have someone you can call when you need help. If you do it yourself you will eventually end up in an attorneys office anyway getting great cost to you.
I invite you to the Heritage website to view a video presentation. You will find Heritage receptive to your calls and all phone consultations are free. 888-437-8778