Nothing compares with the feeling of having all your final arrangements done. Knowing your family is taken care of in those situations where they are most vulnerable and least able to emotionally deal with the complications of these matters at your death.
Being turned away at the bank when they need cash or not being able to cash out stocks and bonds because Probate has them locked up can be devastating. The average Probate is from 6 months to 2 years depending on the complexity of the estate and there is absolutely nothing you can do until the probate court gives the clearance. You can’t withdraw savings, you can’t cash in stocks or bonds...and I have seen stock values take a nose dive while families watched their stock assets become virtually worthless because of Probate delays.
It takes so little time and such little effort to avoid all of that heartache. It’s the perfect solution because you can establish the scenario you want. Almost anything is possible when it comes to whom and how you leave your assets. By taking action now to make the proper arrangements you can save your family untold difficulties after you are gone. Hear that again. You will be gone and your family will be the ones dealing with it.
We offer the opportunity to discuss your arrangements at no cost to you. Now is the time... There is no rational justification for delay. Give us a call and start the process. You will feel such Peace of Mind for just getting it taken care of.
For more information call: 866.927.8552 for a recorded information call
Or 888-437-8778 to speak with a live consultant
Until Next Time....